The Elephant in the Room: Removing individualized Autism Funding and opening Family Connections Centres in BC.

Let’s chat, because we are all thinking it and we are all feeling a little…………..? Would the word “rattled” work?
October 27, 2022 will mark one year since the province announced that it will be moving to this new model. Wow how fast this year went. We will blink and it will be February 2023, when some specific communities open the first Family Connection Centre. We are 4 short months away.
Many of our staff here at Ausome Match are parents to neurodiverse kiddos. This transition not only means their children’s therapy is in jeopardy but so are their careers. In March 2025, these families’ homes will be forever changed. To those parents, our staff, I applaud you for your continued faith and commitment to these families. You have a choice to switch industries, jump ship, find a solid ground, and yet you stand steady and show up to help the other kiddos till the very end.
For those of you here, hoping to read more on what is the Family Connections Centre and what it can mean to you….. welcome. I want to encourage you to read up on the government sites and form a unique opinion tailored to your own situation and experience. There is a lot of fear out there and I hope to remain blindly optimistic.
In a quick summary, that $22,000 for kids under 6 and $6,000 for kids over six, will no longer be available. Choosing your epic team and how to spend your funding, the math of SLP, OT, BC, BI and more, is no longer in your hands.
For some, this can be a great thing. To those parents, I wish we met sooner, we are here to be a team that helps take away these pressures. For some, this is causing anxiety. Our children need routine, connections and more.
The province opts to move over to group style therapy in the Centres, vs 1:1 therapy, customized for each child, with the option for therapy in their own safe homes. I will leave this with you to decide what you feel your child thrives best on, since we are all so unique.
On October 27th and every day we will stand beside our parents and advocate. Be the change you want to see in the world!
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Meet Stephanie

While working at one of B.C.’s largest non-profits, Stephanie became a sought after advocate on various social issues. With this background, she created Ausome Match Autism Services.